
NEVER tell yourself that you are not beautiful!

"Beauty is not on the face, beauty is the light in the heart." – Kahlil Gibran

Dear woman, I hope that when you wake up in the morning, you smile at your reflection in the mirror. Not because you are perfect, not because you never make mistakes or fall, but because you realize that there is not a single soul in the world, in the universe, who looks like you, who thinks, felt and loved like you.

The face staring back at you may be sad, perhaps full of hope. The skin may be wrinkled, perhaps tired. Maybe you don't like what you see. You don't realize that you are beautiful in your imperfection. Life is an endless battle for self-love, a constant journey of finding and putting yourself together. You know, even in your sadness and searching - you are beautiful.

You won't enjoy every moment, you won't always exude confidence, you'll be down, sad, disappointed, and that doesn't mean you're not beautiful because of that. It means you're human. I hope you wear clothes that make you feel comfortable and not what you think other people will like. I hope you don't compare yourself to people you see online or anywhere. To do what you love, no matter what anyone says or thinks. Do you even realize how amazing and beautiful you are?

Don't let these failed relationships define your worth or drive away the love you desire. I hope you know that the way someone treated you is not a label you wear, it's just a past relationship. Free yourself from people who make you feel less worthy. Say positive words to yourself until you believe them.

You are worthy. You are loved. Strong. Never tell yourself you're not beautiful. You are beautiful.

Never tell yourself that you are not beautiful, because you are beautiful exactly the way you are.
Never tell yourself that you are not beautiful, because you are beautiful exactly the way you are.

Beauty is not something that can be so easily defined. There is no definition. Beauty is in the way you follow your passions, in the way you spread goodness, love, how you try and keep going... Even when you don't want to, but you feel it's right.

You will fall, you will break, you will make mistakes, you might get divorced, you will get hurt, you will get your heart broken, you will wander through storms and hurricanes, but none of these things are your identity. You will still be able to love, float above the clouds, laugh, be happy.

You're beautiful, but not because you're invincible, because you never make mistakes, not because you might be playing your perfection...  You are beautiful because you are unique. Your way of thinking is not like anyone else's, it's just yours.

Only you know how to love, because it's in you and no one can take it away from you. You experience these things differently, you feel differently than others. Your soul, your person, no one can replace you, no one can be like you. Only you are you!

And that's what makes you beautiful—the fact that there isn't a single person on this planet quite like you: imperfect, complicated, messed up, wonderful. Never tell yourself that you are not beautiful, because you are beautiful exactly the way you are.

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