
New gastronomic restaurant: Inn 5 – 6 kg

Inn 5 - 6 kg

Gostilnica 5 – 6 kg is a new gastronomic restaurant - restaurant, tapas bar and pizzeria in one - located in the heart of old Ljubljana, at Gornji trg 33. The location, where meat eaters feel at home, and vegetarians are never bored, conjures an unforgettable experience a culinary experience with the perfect combination of pleasant ambience, excellent cuisine and friendly staff.

Basic information
Inn 5 – 6 kg
Gornji trg 33
Mon – Sun: from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m
003861 320 08 04

V Inns 5 – 6 kg the delicacies are prepared in the central part of the inn – the bread oven, from where every day the smell of milk-fed cows, sausages and slightly different pizzas with delicious meat, seafood and vegetable toppings comes out. Inn 5 – 6 kg also caters for seafood enthusiasts. They can look forward to the octopus goulash, which is worth licking the plate, and the grouper pate, which will never be forgotten. The 5-6 kg inn also offers snacks and lunches every day. Along with exceptional dishes, you can treat yourself to a noble drop from the Goriška Brda wine cellar, while beer lovers can choose between a small Slovenian brewery on the Austrian soil of Bevog and homemade retro bottles from the Union brewery.

Inn 5 - 6 kg, new gastronomic restaurant
Inn 5 – 6 kg, a new gastronomic restaurant

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