
A new Star Wars movie is coming, and it will be directed by Taika Waititi

Disney chose Star Wars Day, which was yesterday, May 4th, to announce that a new film in the franchise is coming, directed by Taika Waititi (Thor: Ragnarok).

To a director who also created a brilliant comic war drama Jojo Rabbit (Jojo Rabbit, 2019) and adventure comedy Hunting the savage (Hunt for the Wilderpeople, 2016), the world of Star Wars is no stranger. He directed it the last episode of The Mandalorian, and now he will direct and co-create the new Star Wars feature film.

Taika Waititi also provided the final episode of The Mandalorian.
Taika Waititi also provided the final episode of The Mandalorian.

As expected, there are not many details, we know that the film will also be co-created by a fantastic screenwriter Krysty Wilson-Cairns, who won the Bafta Award for Best British Film of the Year for the war drama 1917, and who wrote the screenplay for the upcoming horror film Last Night in Soho (2020).

Star Wars is also expected to get a new series soon, which will be devoted to it Cassinan Andor and his exploits before Rogue One.

Release dates are not yet known! Stay tuned for more information starwars.com.

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