
#New touchless design - now is the best time to shop online!

This year is definitely different and has put us in front of many tests. Among other things, online shopping increased by as much as a third, as we realized that online shopping is easy, comfortable and can be done at any time. The satisfaction of online shopping is even greater when the package reaches the front door.

He ensures that shipments arrive safely and reliably at the right address Post of Slovenia. With various solutions, they help companies and online retailers to submit shipments and information to get in touch with you as quickly as possible. They also allow you to change the delivery method when the shipment is already on its way to you. Therefore, when purchasing online, always submit your phone number and email address so that the package reaches you as quickly as possible.

Fast and convenient online shopping. Photo: Unsplash

How is your online purchase going?

Accepted shipments with the help of the most advanced sorting technology in two postal logistics centers of Pošta Slovenije arrange to arrive at the delivery post offices as quickly as possible. Upon receipt, the package is marked with a receipt number and you are sent an SMS or e-mail (if you have selected this option) with information about the delivery time and a link to the online application My delivery - my choice, with which you can change the delivery method for your package. Unfortunately, it is not always that simple, especially if the senders decide to send without the possibility of tracking, which is why it also happens that a notification about the collection of the shipment at the post office is waiting for you in your mailbox.

Tips for safe online shopping and delivery

  • When buying online, if possible, pay directly to the merchant.
  • Choose alternative places for delivery of your packages (PS Paketomat, Paketnik Direct4.me, pre-arranged place).
  • When ordering, add a mobile number so that they can contact you more easily.
  • Pick up the package outdoors and observe the safety distance.
  • Find out more about tips for safe pickup of shipments here

Alternative pickup of the shipment

You can pick up parcels at post offices and other contact points of Pošta Slovenije, there are almost 600 of them throughout Slovenia. Works great too network of alternative collection points, which allows you to pick up your online order at PS Paketomatih, Petrol and Mol service stations, pofficial packagers Direct4.me and self-service units in Ljubljana and Koper. During the corona crisis, alternative delivery sites have proven to be very important for protecting people's health, hence their slogan #reliably changed the slogan for a while #new design without touch.

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