
New Year's jump into the sea 2019: will you dare this year?

Several years have passed since 2005, when the initiator of the event, Grega Hočevar, then a top triathlete, had the crazy idea to jump into the icy sea. The tradition continues this year as well, which means that all adrenaline junkies will be able to throw themselves into the icy water. If your January 1st has been boring every year, you need to spice it up this year.

Important information
Portorož central beach
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 7 to 11 euros

Jump into the icy sea water can only mean one thing  preparation for the coming year. And yet it will get your blood pumping. But you can 'showing off' and talking about how brave you are for going through an incredible mental game  to jump or not.

In 2005, the income New Year's jump into the sea attended by a couple of friends at the time. There were more spectators than participants. It is an event over the years gained enormous recognition, and the number of participants and spectators increased.

Even today, the event is taking on new dimensions and can boast that it is probably one of the most recognizable sports events in Slovenia. Some say it is New Year's jump into the sea similar ascent to Triglav. If this is to be believed, then you must jump into ice water at least once in your life to taste what adrenaline is.

January 1, 2019 at 2 p.m ice water awaits you The central beach of Portorož. Do you dare?

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