
Halloween at Bled Castle 2015

Halloween in Bled 2015

Hokus poku, chira-chara. Words that are on children's lips every Halloween. Events at Bled Castle will not be complete without her this year either. Halloween will take place behind the castle walls on October 29 and 31, 2015, starting at 4 p.m. The event is intended for children and parents, and they will get a map at the entrance to the castle and turn into detectives solving a puzzle.

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At Bled Castle the traditional event will take place once again Halloween, which is intended for all the young and the young at heart. With a map in hand visitors will be after entering through the castle gates turned into detectives and tried to solve a puzzle, the solution of which will be in addition to skill some courage is also needed. Instead of helmets with movable visors, spears and swords, pumpkins, brooms and other Halloween decorations will have the main word this time. In the meantime, they will take place in the charming surroundings of the castle dance animations, magic skills and creative workshops, and it is also prepared for guests some surprises.

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Magical potions will once again be brewed at Bled Castle.
Magical potions will once again be brewed at Bled Castle.

Halloween at Bled Castle will take place from 16:00 to 18:00 on Thursday 29 and Saturday 31 October 2015, and the participants of the wizarding choir will be welcomed in appropriate attire, and you are all invited to join them and co-create a scary event even with their own costumes.

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