
Nike Go FlyEase: a sneaker that jumps onto your foot

"Hands-free" sneakers

Photo: Nike

This year, Nike impresses with an extraordinary innovation, with the help of which we will put on shoes the fastest and really easily. Thus, they presented one of the biggest innovations in the world of sneakers, the Nike Go FlyEase, which of course are suitable for all people, but at the same time they are also an excellent solution for disabled people who cannot use their hands.

Innovation Nike Go FlyEase was created thanks to 24-year-old Matthew Walzer, who suffers from cerebral palsy. Already in 2012, he sent a letter to the Nike company, where he asked that the only thing missing for him to be completely independent was a shoe that would allow him to to get up on his own. Nike reacted to the letter and realized the idea of a shoe that can be put on hands-free.

Nike Go FlyEase: “get in and go”

When you put the shoe on, the entire heel, including the sole, is fully formed opens hands-free. The sneakers are cushioned and made of lightweight foam, so every step is light. The lightweight fabric in the upper creates an airy, comfortable feel. Non-stitched overlay panels add durability and provide good structure and stability, while the rubber outsole provides excellent traction.


The shoe can be ordered on the official website nike.com, is currently sold out, so you'll have to wait until it's back in stock. You will have to pay for it 120 euros.


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