
Nissan ProPILOT: Nissan is also on the way to autonomous driving

Nissan ProPILOT

Nissan's ProPILOT assistance system was first introduced in the new Leaf, and then expanded to other members of the Nissan family and can also be found in the current Nissan Qashqai. These are advanced systems that already perform some of the functions completely automatically.

Assistance system Nissan ProPILOT  supports 12 of sonars and 4 cameras. ProPILOT consists of a lane keeping assistant and a radar or adaptive cruise control and thus helps us with braking, accelerating, steering and even stopping the car. Where are they good sight lines on the road, the system will kept a car honey lines and at the same time kept appropriate safety distance behind the vehicle in front of you. The system has a function perfect stops and when there is no longer a stationary car in front of us, the system po 3 seconds starts driving again.

An addition to the ProPILOT system is also so-called e-Pedal and is found in the Nissan Leaf. This allows us to drive merely with the gas pedal, because when we stop pressing it, the regenerative braking is so strong that we can we compare by pressing the brake pedal. Of course, we always have both pedals available at all times, and we can also use the e-Pedal turn off. We can also mention the third advantage of autonomous systems ProPILOT Park, which takes care of automatically parking a Nissan Leaf. With the push of a button, the sonars and cameras start searching for a suitable place. When they find it, they inform the driver. This one then true button for automatic parking, and the car will do the rest alone.

Nissan ProPILOT
Nissan ProPILOT

We will need more and more such and different systems facilitated life, and we will all be a step closer autonomous driving. We started with small steps, such as automatic parking, lane keeping and emergency braking, and we will continue with always bigger ones, until the steering wheel, pedals and gear lever are no longer in front of us in the car.

Nissan ProPILOT
Nissan ProPILOT

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