
Nissan is sending self-driving cars to European roads in 2017

Nissan is the first to bring autonomous vehicles to Europe.

As Nissan announced in Geneva, where it delivered its vision of intelligent mobility, the honor of the first vehicle in Europe with guided driving mode technology will go to the Qashqai SUV. Their vision aspires to a car without emissions and accidents with the worst possible outcome, because as CEO Carlos Ghosn said, "our (Nissan's, op. p.) vision of intelligent mobility is the basis for guiding customers around the world to a safer and a more sustainable future''.

Nissan on European roads in 2017, the first to ship self-driving cars. The first cars of this kind will be models Qashqai, and in the next four years others will follow them with autonomous driving technology.

Nissan is the first to bring autonomous vehicles to Europe.
Nissan is the first to bring autonomous vehicles to Europe.

The first wheel spins will be Qashqai with guided driving mode (Piloted Drive) spent years on European soil 2017 (it will be driving in Japan already this year), which in practice means that it will be equipped with technology driving within the lane and will thereby enable safe driving in congested traffic on highways. By 2020, multi-lane control, autonomous risk management, lane change while driving on the highway, as well as driving through intersections.

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Nissan takes over your steering wheel.
Nissan takes over your steering wheel.

Sweetie Nissan's intelligent mobility are intelligent driving that creates greater driver confidence and is introduced by Nissan's autonomous driving technology, then Nissan's intelligent power that brings greater efficiency and power and is realized electric vehicles, and the essence of smart mobility is also intelligent inclusion, these are new connections between vehicles and society.

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