
Nissan Xmotion Concept: between science fiction and serenity

Nissan Xmotion Concept

The Nissan Xmotion has an unusual name and you'll definitely mispronounce it the first time. The name is not pronounced with the letter X, because this X means "cross". Nissan's concept could thus be said to bear the name "emotional crossover".

Nissan with the Xmotion Concept experimenting with adding smooth and more aerodynamic surfaces. Lean lines from the concept are intended by Nissan to be used from 2020 onwards on its future crossovers and SUVs. If this transfer of lines succeeds to the extent that they have in the concept, we can expect some more attractive Nissan cars in the future. On the front of the Nissan Xmotion the mask stands out V-shaped, which is further emphasized by the U-shaped headlights, which make the car appear even wider than it really is. Tracks and bumpers are made of carbon fiber, and the special color further emphasizes the lines of the concept.

Inside, the Xmotion offers enough space for 6 persons, who sit in three types. There are two seats in a row, and the central console runs between them. In the passenger cabin we can see many elements of Japanese culture. For example, the lower part of the dashboard is made of wood and is assembled using a Japanese folding technique without glue, screws or anything like that. In addition, when the infotainment system is started, the familiar Japanese carp or koi appears on the screen. In addition to the contrast, the red and white upholstery also illustrates the image of the Japanese flag. There is no information about the engines, as it is the case of Nissan's Xmotion concept for visual presentation only and a glimpse into Nissan's near design future.


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