
No matter what you do, always be kind to yourself!

Please be kind to yourself. This life is too short to spend most of your time putting away things, emotions, life.

You will make mistakes. You will get hurt, you will hurt other people, and you will not be able to please everyone. You will totally screw up, it happens.

You are not perfect. You are imperfect. You have flaws.

You will make decisions that you may later regret. But, you know what? You are not the only one. You are not alone.

It doesn't matter how you hurt someone or how you broke their heart, you did the best you could at the time. You need to take that regret and turn it into positivity. You can't let it haunt you. You have to accept these mistakes and imperfections and learn something from them, grow.

You have to let go and let yourself truly live. Please don't let your mistakes define you.

Be gentle with yourself. Be kind and gentle as if you were your own best lover. Allow yourself to bask in the gratitude that you are.

You are only human. You are not made of unbreakable materials. You have bones that break. You have a heart that can break. Your bones can heal. Your heart can be composed with true love. With time. With patience. And with compassion and love.

No matter what you do, always be kind to yourself!
No matter what you do, always be kind to yourself!

Be kind to yourself and your heart. Close your eyes when you feel that life is hard, that you can't take it anymore. Protect your heart from pain. Don't give others a chance to bring you down.

Don't let others tell you that you are not good enough, that you are not worthy of a magical life. Surround yourself with people who adore and lift you up, and let your heart shine brighter than a thousand suns. Be your favorite person, let people love you when you show them your heart.

Kiss the lips of those you trust and those you desire. Hold the hands of people who make you smile, who make you feel safe. Embrace the bodies of those who see your beauty when you are most vulnerable. Love the hearts of those who give themselves to you, without fear. And show people your bare heart and enjoy the love they give you in return.

Surround yourself with as much love as possible. Give your heart the best life it can have. Give your soul the kindest and warmest hugs day after day. And show yourself an unwavering love that will live until your last breath. Be kind to yourself.

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