
There is no such thing as perfect love, only true love

Photo: Travis Nesbitt/Unsplash

You will never find perfect love in life, but you will find the love of the person who sees you. A love that breaks down walls and with which you will share the parts of your soul that you have hidden and hidden from others.

You will not find love that is perfect. But you will find love that shows you that it's okay to not be perfect all the time. And that you seek a balance between hope and pain, and that disappointment does not silence your heartbeat.

That kind of love will always be with you. She won't put you down for the ways you deal with grief or the way you are. This love will not recede at the sight of a dark past. She will not only be with you when you are on top, beautiful, when you are a role model, but also when you are down, when you need her hand to show you the way forward.

A love that you can unmask even the most hidden and she will not escape.

You won't find perfect love, but you will find love that connects. She won't leave or avoid you, she will sink into your soul. She will sit next to you and listen to your childhood stories. She will ask you how it felt to be a person who doesn't conform to anyone, to be unique.

This love will get to know you in detail. You will feel like your soul has been waiting for it to reconnect with your heart. Waiting for him to come home, for all your broken and hidden pieces to come together.

You won't find perfect love, but you will find love that reminds you that good still exists, no matter the time.

You are enough! You are unique. Photo: Mentatdgt / Pexels

You will feel this love as if a pleasant warmth settled in your body. She will fight for you and be with you through all hurricanes and storms. You will feel its depth, its essence.

No, you won't find love that's perfect, but you will find love that's simple, that isn't heavy to carry, that doesn't strain your core. You will finally understand that love has always been simple.

You will find love that reminds you of your worth. It will show you that you never asked for too much, that the way you gave your heart to others was not stupid. And that because you're not capable of half-hearted love, you're not very sensitive.

With her, you will realize that it was perfectly okay to be a person who loved in an imperfect way. In a way that was full of hope. That it's always okay to be the person who never hides her heart.

This love will replace all those people who made you feel guilty for trusting your instincts. All those who wanted to break your sensitive vulnerable heart.

This love will teach you - that you were never too much! You were always enough. You are always enough.

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