
Those thousand burdens that our body carries are not heavy. Heavy is what our soul carries!

"Just because I carry my load well doesn't mean it isn't hard!"

I read this quote a few days ago and it suddenly hit me. We all carry a heavy burden. Some are harder than others, but that's life. And life is not always lined with roses. Life is hard. It's full of struggles and bad luck.

We all carry a sadness within us that we know nothing about. Therefore, we must be gentler and more compassionate towards each other. In this judgmental world, we must be kind, because we are in this "zos" together. We all carry a burden, but it is difficult for us to carry it alone.

I'm guilty myself, I've rejected a person and cut them out of my life, only to find out later that this person was struggling with something difficult, which made me immediately regret my behavior. Because this person I dismissed was carrying a burden that was eating her up from the inside, and I distanced myself because I didn't want to deal with her.

I need to be a better person. You need to be a better person. We all need to be better people!

We need to be gentler and more compassionate towards each other.
We need to be gentler and more compassionate towards each other.

There are many people in this world whose lives are much more difficult than yours or mine. There are also many people who are doing better, but that doesn't mean their burden is insignificant. After all, burdens are proportional to the people who bear them - what is hard for me may be easy for you, and vice versa.

And this burden we bear is not unreasonable. We don't waste time with him. This burden teaches us how to calm down in a fast-paced world and how to have faith, trust.

Even though we go through a lot of hardships in ourselves, in our family, in our relationships, we NEVER "miss out" on the things that are meant for us.

The hard time will pass. Until then, let's all show some grace. Let us be kind to other people, even to those who bear their burdens well, because they may be hiding behind a smile the fact that their burden is heavy and that they are exhausted!

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