
There's nothing wrong with not going ANYWHERE on vacation: 5 ideas for what to do in summer

If you want to have a somewhat relaxed vacation at HOME this year, we have collected 5 ideas for what to do in the summer instead of going on an organized vacation. Many ideas can also be used as a plan for a weekend adventure!

What to do in summer? Usually, most people immediately imagine a holiday abroad, but it is free time it makes sense to spend it on many other things.
If you're not going anywhere on vacation this year, don't worry, there are plenty of things you can you do in the summer in your hometown.

5 ideas for what to do in summer:

1. Read, read and read!

Books provide access to countless magical worlds - and many of them are more exciting and far more educational than reality. You probably also know that reading has many beneficial effects on your body and mind. Do something for yourself this summer! You can start with books that will give you a completely different view of the world and equip you with knowledge that you may not think you need!

Books offer thousands of undiscovered worlds.
Books offer thousands of undiscovered worlds.

2. Get involved in volunteering.

What to do in the summer if you have too much time? One of the great ideas is to get involved in a voluntary activity - this way you will meet interesting people, do something good for others or the environment and gain new experiences that will not only come in handy in the business world , but will fulfill you spiritually. Become an even better person!

3. He is learning a new language.

Are you one of those people who always dreams of learning French, Russian, Japanese one day? If there's ever a good time to do it, it's during the summer, when you don't have the commitments that keep ruining your language-learning plans.
Knowing languages is a valuable skill that will come in handy ALWAYS AND EVERYWHERE. If you decide to start learning a new language this year, we suggest you read the advice of a woman who speaks as many as 16 languages.

4. Explore Slovenia.

Slovenia offers great destinations... and some are much more beautiful than those you can see abroad. Unfortunately, many rarely take the time to explore our beautiful country because they are always drawn across the border. Because they want to see MORE! This summer you can set yourself the task of discovering the most beautiful beach on the Slovenian coast, the most hidden corner by the Sava, the most secluded clearing in the Gorenje region...

In addition to well-known places, Slovenia also offers many undiscovered corners.
In addition to well-known places, Slovenia also offers many undiscovered corners.

5. Roam around town.

Wander around your hometown, maybe take a newspaper, diary, drawing pad or a good book with you. Chat with people who are sitting in the park and have stayed in their hometown just like you. Watch the kids enjoying their vacation. Be without plans and expectations and just enjoy the moment - just such days can bring many pleasant surprises.

ADVICE: In our society, travel has become EMERGENCY and many people go out into the world only because that way (“thanks to social networks”) they can brag about their status symbols ... and they lose themselves in all this. Your feelings. Real wishes. My SELF.
All that glitters is not gold, so don't worry, because you stayed at home and treat yourself to an unforgettable summer in your homeland this year, which will truly be yours inspiration, gave you a new one startup and you HAPPINESS. Because only luck counts!

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