
Numerology reveals which years in your life are the most important

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Find out when you've been lucky, or if fate has been especially kind to you!

Numerology is the science of numbers, which numerologists believe can positively influence a person's destiny and character. According to numerologists, important dates in life can be very important, it is believed that each number represents a special symbol.

It is particularly important Date of birth, by which you can calculate which years in life are the most important.

The most important years of life are not necessarily the most positive and favorable. They may have a different purpose, but at the end of the day, important events carry a lot of weight. During these years, something happens that is necessary for life balance. The energy is renewed or renewed, which helps to take an important step forward.

To find out which years are the most important in your life, you must make the following calculations.


For example, you were born on September 11, 1986. You need to take the last number of your year of birth and add it to the number of months and days of your birth. In the given example, you calculate as follows: 6 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 9 = 17. Add the resulting number to the year of birth – 1986 and you get 2003.

This is the first important year of your life. Then repeat - you take and add the last number of the first significant year with the day and month of birth 3 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 9 = 14, and the resulting number with the entire first significant year - 14 + 2003 = 2017. - this is the second most significant year in life etc.

When you determine the most important years of your life, many people wonder, what awaits them in these years. What to do if now is a fateful year for you? It is important to remain yourself, to connect with yourself and to do everything according to your nature and life mission.


First time, don't change your principles. If necessary, fate itself will indicate to you with some pleasant or unpleasant event.

Secondly, you must follow the signs of fate that will follow you everywhere. Be careful.

Third time, it is important to be calm and patient. Additional quarrels and conflicts are useless in such periods. Believe in your feelings, think that positive things can happen. In order to become stronger, you have to go through everything that your destiny and karma are destined for.

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