
Numerology: What does the house number say about the energy of your home?

Photo: Evelyn Paris / Unsplash

Did you know that your house number also has a numerological meaning? How to understand the numerology of your home?

The principles of numerology can be woven into many aspects of our lives and our homes are no exception. While you may not be able to change your house number, you can use the information below to work with its energy.

The process of determining the numerology of your house number is essentially the same as how you search for your life number. You simply add the sums of your house number until you get one number. For example, if your house number is 194, you would add 1 + 9 + 4 to get 14, then 1 + 4 = 5. So, in this case, your numerology house number is 5.

The number of your home tells about the energy of the home itself. It helps to understand the personality of your living space and the themes that may arise while living there.

Let's see what each house number means in numerology:

Number 1

Home is the perfect place to start over and embrace your creativity and independence. This is a great place for entrepreneurs and those who are single. A home where you will be more focused on yourself.

Harmony is at home in your home. Photo: Soroush Karimi / Unsplash

Number 2

If you live in the number two house, it is ideal for relationships where partnerships flourish and where there is a very balanced space. This energy supports cooperation, emotional exploration and comfort.

Number 3

Communication and socializing are prominent features of these houses, the atmosphere in them is mostly related to self-expression. It's also a great space for artists because it supports creativity.

Number 4

House number four is the practical home, so if you need structure and foundation, you're in a good place. This is not a house of change, but of consistency, stability. The energy inside can make you feel cramped, so don't be afraid to create a little more energy in your home with things like plants or things inspired by feng shui.

Number 5

The number five brings change. Everything changes here and you can expect many adventures, trips and surprises. These homes have an active energy, lots of variety and push boundaries. You will try new things, have unique experiences, face your fears and learn valuable life lessons.

Number 6

Six is a nice place to start a family. The feelings in the home with the number 6 are warm and pleasant, where love comes first. You will find a balance between home and work. Be careful not to overdo what you do.

Happiness is everywhere. Photo: Roberto Nickson/Unsplash

Number 7

If you live in house number seven, you may be particularly introspective, it has no room for fun. In this home, you will be more devoted to yourself than ever before. This home is a good place to stay focused on yourself. Meditate.

Number 8

The number eight in numerology is strongly associated with abundance and even wealth. Money and power thrive in a home with this number. Make sure you nurture both areas and use the power in a healthy way.

the number 9

It is a warm and caring home where everyone feels welcome. It could also be the place of endings, as the nine is associated with completion, ending and finality. Selflessness, forgiveness, compassion and dedication to a cause are very prominent in this house.

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