
Objekt Light minimalistic Croatian lamps for the home

Lights Object Light

Object Light are beautiful lamps for the home with a Croatian signature. Lamps with geometric shapes emit subtle light and are the ideal choice for anyone who loves clean, fresh and minimalist.

Object Light are interesting light objects that shine in a unique way. With their simplicity, in three different shapes, the Objekt Light lamps are a wonderful element for the home, which by emitting pleasant light and its minimalist aesthetics they give a touch of modernity. Lamps they are made of wood and plexiglass and follow the shape rectangles and of triangles. If desired, the owner can change the front sides and position lights, thus adapting the appearance of the lamp to the room and his taste. A completely Croatian product, which impresses with its sophisticated form and is made in cooperation with local craftsmen, is signed by a Croatian designer Dear Boric.

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