

LET'S ENJOY A GLASS OF THE QUEEN OF WINE On the first floor of Celje's City Center, the Istenič sparkling wine and wine bar, similar to the one you can visit in Ljubljana's Citypark, was recently opened. In an interesting bar, you can learn a lot of interesting things by talking to the staff, Miha Istenič (pictured with the bar manager) explained to us, for example: ...

Basic information
Mariborska 100
from Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 9 pm

LET'S ENJOY A GLASS OF THE QUEEN OF WINE On the first floor of Celje's City Center, the Istenič sparkling wine and wine bar, similar to the one you can visit in Ljubljana's Citypark, was recently opened. In an interesting bar, you can learn a lot of interesting things by talking to the staff, Miha Istenič (pictured with the bar manager), for example, explained to us: "Penina is the queen of wines, culture and passion. She has been worshiped by rulers, artists, thinkers and poets for centuries, and it is impossible to briefly describe all the beautiful words that have been said or written in her honor. However, if we want to understand sparkling wine, we have to approach it, taste it, talk about it with our best friend, as well as with the man who created it. The champagne and wine bar is perfectly created for today's times, especially for urban people." In good company, the bar serves sparkling wines and wines from the Istenič company, cocktails, refreshing hot and cold drinks, and non-alcoholic drinks. In addition, if you are impressed by the taste, you can buy Istenič products from them at retail prices.

La Cantina

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