
Olympic ReUnion: Cooking with Olympians - flavors of Brazil

Benjamin Savšek and Bojan Tokič

In cooperation with the Olympic Committee of Slovenia and the Brazilian Embassy of Slovenia, a series of Olympic events of various concepts will take place in the Grand Hotel Union, where they will connect Slovenian athletes with fans, present Olympic preparations and current events in Rio, and build a bridge between the two destinations - Slovenia and Brazil. The next in the series will be the cooking academy (Olympic ReUnion: We cook with the Olympians - the flavors of Brazil) with the renowned Brazilian chef Silvia dos Santos, and the Olympic "beep" will be delivered by Bojan Tokič and Benjamin Savšek.

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Grand Hotel Union, Miklošičeva cesta 1, 1000 Ljubljana
Entrance fee
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Bridges between Brazil and Slovenia will be at the event Olympic ReUnion: Cooking with Olympians - flavors of Brazil at the end of March 2016, a Brazilian craftswoman built from culinary surpluses Silvia dos Santos and chef of the kitchen of the Union garden and lounge bar Gašper Habajec. A table tennis player will add an Olympic flavor Bojan Tokič (March 30, 2016), and a day later a canoeist will join the cooking team Benjamin Savšek. Food preparation will begin at 4:30 p.m., followed by dinner and socializing at 7 p.m. in the lounge bar of the Union business hotel. Among the events gathered under the name "Olympic ReUnion", guests will be waiting for a variety of events in the future travel lectures, sports cafe chats and a summer culinary and music festival.

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Union business hotel lounge bar.
Union business hotel lounge bar.

If you would like to socialize with Slovenian Olympians and enjoy the culinary delights they prepare for you sports and culinary aces, just reserve a table and become part of a unique culinary story. Of course, you also have to be a little lucky. You must cooperate in the raffle on the Facebook page Union Grand Hotel, where they will choose for each of the two culinary days seven lucky people. Two will keep the team of chefs and Olympians company during the preparation of the dish, while five of them will enjoy the mixture Brazilian-Slovenian flavors on a plate.

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