
On a bike for a healthy body: Europark cycling marathon 2018

Treat yourself to a fun family sports day outdoors. Come to the jubilee, this year the 10th Europark cycling marathon 2018. With the support of the field technical team, you will enjoy recreation on the surrounding trails, refresh yourself with a snack, and at the finish line, enjoy a well-deserved relaxation with a varied entertainment program for the whole family. There are also attractive prizes waiting for you.

Important information
Europark, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
4,00 €

Europark will hold a traditional one this year as well Europark cycling marathon. Participants will be offered three different challenges cycling routes in and around Maribor, 12, 41 and 68 km long, fair of bicycles and cycling equipment, children's cycling range, Hervis fair discount for bicycles and a free test of electric bicycles and an entertainment program for all generations, which will be further enriched by the drawing of attractive prizes. It will also have a cycling event this year a noble and philanthropic purpose, as the funds collected from registration fees will be allocated to the association UP-plot.

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