
On February 17, the karmic energy of Venus and Mars arrives: 5 signs will turn your love life upside down

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The karmic energy of Venus and Mars brings changes in love for the 5 zodiac signs.

What it means karmic energy Venus and Mars? It is expected in February 2024 a fatal transformation for the five zodiac signs.

February 17, 2024 will be especially crucial since the two planets Venus and Mars stepped into an exact conjunction in the sign of Aquarius. This astrological event will usher in a whole new cycle in relationships that will have a powerful impact on the love areas of these five signs.

The karmic energy of Venus and Mars will deepened and transformed love aspects of the five signs.


The influence of Venus and Mars will bring a period of passionate and dynamic changes in the love field for Aries. Fresh opportunities await them that will awaken passion and inspiration in existing or potential partnerships. Aries are advised to open up to new experiences and follow their emotions, as a period of positive changes in their love life is in store.

Just what Venus and Mars bring you. Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels


A time of deep emotional transformations awaits Cancers. The karma of Venus and Mars will reveal hidden emotions and deepen existing relationships. It will be important to listen to inner feelings and open up to honest conversations in your love life. This period will encourage Cancers to express their emotions more consciously and build strong connections.


Libras are in for a period of balance and clarity in love relationships. The influence of Venus and Mars will support harmony and allow Libras to focus on their own needs and desires in partner connections. This will be a time of conscious building of solid and lasting love bonds.

Will love find you? Photo: Darina Belonogova / Pexels


A period of deepened understanding in love relationships is in store for Capricorns. The karma of Venus and Mars will bring clarity about values and goals in partnerships. Capricorns will be directed to lay a solid foundation for the future of their love relationships, which will bring stability and satisfaction.


Pisces will experience an emotionally liberating period. This influence will bring spontaneity and creativity to Pisces' love life. The new cycle will encourage them to follow their dreams, express emotional depth, and build connections based on real emotions. Positive changes and exciting opportunities await them love.

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