
One day I won't love you anymore either...

Photo: envato

I will stop loving you. It may not be today or tomorrow, but one day it will happen.

One day I will stop dreaming about you. I will not be tormented by thoughts and dreams of you will no longer haunt me.

One day I'll stop hoping you'll come back. I won't reach for the phone and secretly wish it was you. I will no longer expect you to suddenly come and say you miss me. I won't be looking for you in a crowd and wishing I'd run into you by accident.

One day I will stop missing you. I'm not going to count how long it's been since we last talked. I won't wonder how you are and if you miss me. I will not be afraid that my friends will tell me that you have a new girlfriend and that you are happier than before.

Then I won't feel the emptiness you left behind. I will fill my life with the things I love with passions that I have forgotten and with people who will always stand by my side.

One day I'll stop waiting for you to come back.

I won't wait for you anymore. Photo: Adria Garcia Sarceda / Unsplash

I will move on with my life and make new memories. I will achieve everything I want. I will follow my dreams that I have longed for.

One day I will fall in love with someone other than you. I will no longer look for you in everyone I meet. I'm going to fall in love with someone else. I will realize that what we had was something special, but it was not irreplaceable. I will open my heart, without fear and without restraint.

One day I will stop loving you. I will let you go completely, completely and without reservation. I will look back at our past objectively and admit that there were good days in it, but that the bad overshadowed the good.

I will realize that you were never the one for me. I will stop living in the past and start appreciating the present and getting excited about the brilliant possibilities that the future holds for me.

You were a lesson and I'll make sure I don't make the same mistake again.

It will get better eventually, even if that day isn't today.

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