
One day you will meet the love of your life

"Be patient. One day someone will come into your life and then you will understand why no one else has succeeded before." - Sean Mehta

One day you will catch your eye with someone and you will not even dream that he/she is the person you are waiting for. Things will happen naturally and slowly and you will be surprised at how easy you feel.

You will not give in to impulsive romance. Instead, you will be full of curiosity, wanting to understand the sophistication of this person's mind and dive in and uncover their deepest passion. You will slowly get to know her and you will not force yourself to do anything because you will feel safe with her.

It will keep you grounded and satisfied. You will know instinctively that you can trust her and she will give you no reason to doubt. And as time passes, your feelings for her will only deepen and the bond you share with her will only grow stronger.

One day you will meet someone who will choose you and love you every moment of the day, every day.

In this age of illusory modern love and fleeting relationships, this person will be the love that lasts. She won't just see you as an option or a stopover, she'll genuinely want to get to know you. She will not impose unrealistic expectations on you, but will accept and love you exactly as you are.

One day you will meet the love of your life.
One day you will meet the love of your life.

She will not let you down, but will encourage you to dream, to aim higher and to be better.

This person will love you, not because of your looks, but because they will admire your strength, love your way of thinking and appreciate that they can talk to you about anything. Her love will be continuous and immeasurable.

You won't have to fight for her attention or try in vain to win her heart. You won't need to build walls around your heart or fear that she will break it. This person is the one with whom you discuss the future, the life you will build together.

One day you will meet someone who will fight every obstacle in the way to make your relationship last. Before this person, you only knew love that didn't look for obligations, but only for ways out.

On stormy days, life becomes difficult, you won't let it affect you. Mistakes and differences will fulfill you and will not be a reason to end the relationship.

HE/SHE is that person you can trust completely no matter what happens. He is the best friend who knows you better than you know yourself. He is the soul of your dreams. The person you want to spend every moment with. A love without which you can no longer imagine life.

One day you will meet the love of your life and until then, NEVER, REALLY NEVER, stop believing in love.

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