
One thing you'll always know about a manipulator: it's their toxic game where they always win

This is a clear sign that you are dealing with a major manipulator - this is how you can spot him!

Manipulators often they represent as victims, who suffered a lot due to life circumstances and other people's actions. At least their actions are most often justified by trauma or a difficult life story. A difficult childhood, ungrateful children, a bad relationship with their parents, a boss who does not see their potential - all these stories are their tactics to be recognized in your eyes as great fighters who suffered in life and then became victims of their own fate.

The first thing by which you can recognize a manipulator is causing guilt.

The manipulator knows exactly how to turn the situation to his advantage, even when it is clear that he made a mistake. As an answer, he has his own difficult life experience ready and is ready to turn you into a passive aggressive person and turn himself into a victim with a magic wand.

If you warn him about the mistake, it is possible that in a few minutes you will think how wrong you did and feel guilty that you "hurt" him.

Shifting the blame is the basic game of every manipulator. For example, a woman finds a romantic note in her husband's coat pocket or sees a trace of lipstick on his shirt. The manipulator will do the following - he will shift the blame to the woman by claiming that she does not trust him, that she does not trust him after everything he has done for her and in this way shows him that she doubts him and their relationship. Then the woman withdraws into herself and a feeling of guilt appears, which "erases" the evidence she saw recently.

The purpose of the manipulators is to get you to say yes doubt you and eventually ask for their forgiveness. In this way, their mistakes and deceptions fade into the background, and they become victims of misunderstanding and lack of love.

Have you ever been in a similar situation?

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