
One winter day

We still remember pleasant moments from our childhood and all those fairy tales that created our fantasy world and that our parents told us at bedtime. On these cold days, when it's pleasantly warm inside and we like to be at home, we can also draw attention to our little ones...

We still remember pleasant moments from our childhood and all those fairy tales that created our fantasy world and that our parents told us at bedtime. On these cold days, when it's pleasantly warm inside and we like to be at home, we can also attract the attention of our little ones with the adventures of fairy-tale heroes. In a fairy tale, the child learns about good, evil, honest, envious, pessimistic and happy fairy-tale people, which has an important psychological value for him. Our little ones will surely find their hero in the little hedgehog in the fairy tale One Winter's Day. A blizzard blows away the hedgehog's nest, so he wraps himself in his warm scarf and heads for the badger's house. On the way, he meets a mouse family, an otter, a mother doe with a fawn, and they are all shivering in the bitter cold. The hedgehog offers them his hat, gloves and scarf, and the storm has not yet abated. Will the hedgehog be durable enough to make it safely to the badger's home? Price: 14.32 euros.

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