
Online dictionaries on Najdi.si!

Ever confused about a translation? No problem, Najdi.si now eliminates your language worries, as the online search engine offers you 4 free online dictionaries. English-Slovene, Slovenian-English, German-Slovene and Slovenian-German dictionaries are currently available, and in a few months they will be on...

Ever confused about a translation? No problem, Najdi.si now eliminates your language worries, as the online search engine offers you 4 free online dictionaries.

English-Slovenian, Slovenian-English, German-Slovenian and Slovenian-German dictionaries are currently available, and versions for Italian, French and Spanish will be available in a few months.

We recommend the dictionaries to anyone who wants to always have a modern and reliable dictionary at hand, regardless of their knowledge of foreign languages - and it's free and legal. Access to dictionaries is quick and easy and eliminates language problems for web users.

Each dictionary contains as many as 75,000 words and phrases, which users can access for free. Dictionaries take into account literary and colloquial language, slang and slang terms, as well as several variants of the English and German languages. Data for dictionaries on Najda.si is provided by PONS (Rokus Klett Publishing).

With Najdi.si dictionaries, free translations are available everywhere and immediately, the use is simple and suitable for all users. Najdi.si - removes all language worries.
Translations and more information about Najdi.si dictionaries: www.najdi.si/slovarji


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