
Only in Russia! Bizarre scenes you only see there!

Only in Russia!

There are two countries in the world that stand out for their bizarreness. One is Japan, and the other is, of course, Russia. So if you ever go to the largest country in the world, be prepared to encounter bizarre scenes that you can only see there. Is their everyday life any different from ours? Anyway!

Russia is famous for its history, for having sent the first man into space, after vodka, after babushkas (matryoshka dolls), according to literature, because it is the largest country in the world, ... On the other hand, it is also known for more unusual things that can only be found there.

READ MORE: The Russian billionaire exchanged his multi-hundred million dollar superyacht for the largest yacht in the world, worth 360 million

You can come across something like this only in Russia!
You can come across something like this only in Russia!

Just as they go with their inventions and unusual habits to extremes The Japanese, with bizarreness in all areas, the Russians are not far behind, as well they are famous for their unusual antics and hobbies. Below, see a gallery of scenes you can only come across in Russia, the country where Kar lives 143 million people!

Only in Russia! Bizarre scenes you only see there:

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