
Opel Manta GSe ElektroMOD: the most modern Opel classic in an electric version

Opel Manta GSe ElektroMOD

Opel Manta GSe ElektroMOD is a unique conversion of a classic beauty from the 70s of the last century.

In the spirit of modern times, some classics are also touched by such a very current one electrification. It received such processing Opel Manta, a classic coupe from the 1970s, and the modern and electrified version bears the name Opel Manta GSe ElektroMOD. Gasoline 4-cylinder engine he replaced electric motor, which is installed on the last one axes, and thus the drive remained where it had been installed all those years ago. It has an electric motor 108 kW of power (145 hp) and 255 Nm of torque, which means that the Manta ElektroMOD, the strongest Manta rays the first generations, which ever drove onto the road.

Battery with capacity 31 kWh has a large enough energy reserve that the unique Manta can transport up to 200 kilometers a long way. The renovation also touched the interior, in which we find a modern, driver-oriented space, which is complemented by 10- and 12-inch screen.

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