
Opening of the renovated National Gallery - open days

Main staircase

The National Gallery in Ljubljana has finally been renovated. For the first time, all three building parts of the Gallery are united, a new permanent collection, a new cafe by Robb's well and a gallery shop await us. From Thursday, January 28 to Sunday, January 31, 2016, there will be open days at the National Gallery.

Important information
National Gallery, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Here it is renovated National Gallery in Ljubljana!
They are the first time all three building parts of the Gallery are uniformly connected – the oldest and now completely renovated Narodni dom from 1896, Ravnikar's New Wing from 1993 and the glass Entrance Hall from 2001. new permanent collection, which has been numerically increased by more than a third of the works - from now on it contains almost 600 exhibits.

The National Gallery fits the bill with the renovation high standards for the presentation of artistic material, with a new cafe by Robb's well in the entrance hall and the gallery shop, where books and design products, including the latest ones, are for sale coffee maker cup, are becoming one of the most pleasant centers of city life.

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From Thursday, January 28 through Sunday, January 31 In 2016, there will be Open House Days in the National Gallery.

New permanent collection in the National Gallery.
New permanent collection in the National Gallery.

On Saturday, January 30, they are especially invited children and families. In the National Gallery, creative workshops and playrooms are being prepared, and they are also presenting a new Galo's room, which is very similar to the one in which Gal the dwarf lived. The youngest will be able to try it GALaprastol and took a photo in the skratovský task.

Sunday, January 31, is a day for everyone who would like to create inspired by artwork. In the company of female academic painters, visitors will be able to walk through the collection with a sketchbook in hand and transfer some of the details from the exhibited artworks to paper. Every full hour there will also be short guided tours of selected works of art.

Do you want to take a look at the renovated National Gallery before your visit?

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