
You know why I shouldn't make the bed?

The bed

Do you know you shouldn't make the bed? No, this is not advice for the lazy, but a scientifically proven fact that affects our health. An unmade and open bed can prevent asthma and allergies. Why?

If we make our bed as soon as we get out of it, we tidy up our home a million mites, which live on our bed and feed on our dead skin cells and sweat. An open and strewn bed exposes the bedding air and light, which dry the bedding and kill mites at the same time.
When we sleep, we sweat. The average person can excrete from themselves up to a liter of sweat per night, which means an ideal breeding ground for mites. Scientists estimate that it lives in our bed about 1.5 million mites, and their secretions can provoke dust allergies and asthma.

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It is therefore best to leave the bed unmade at least in the morning. This allows the bedding to dry from tossing and turning at night. It is also worth remembering that bed linen must be washed every or every other week, and we mustn't forget the pillows either.

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