
"Ali and Nino" - a tragic love story of idols who miss each other every day

Steel structure "Ali and Nino"

"Ali and Nino" is an 8-meter-high steel sculpture by Georgian sculptor Tamara Kvesitadza, located in the coastal Georgian city of Batumi. Presenting Ali and Nina, who embrace each other for a moment every day and then part forever, it tells a tragic love story based on the novel "Ali and Nina" from 1937.

"Ali and Nina" they are two steel figures, representing the Muslim boy Ali and the Georgian princess Nina from the famous novel by an unknown Azerbaijani author, which was published back in 1937 and has been translated into thirty world languages.

The tragic story of the novel "Ali and Nino" ends with the lovers' sad separation after the invasion of Soviet Russia. The two steel statues are constructed in such a way that every day they hug each other for a moment and then part "forever". The steel sculpture, which was designed in 2007 and erected in 2010, was initially named "Man and Woman", and to this day it has been renamed "Ali and Nina."

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