
Are you looking elsewhere for what you lack in your marriage?

Photo: Envato

When the infatuation wears off after a few years of being in a relationship, we can quickly start looking elsewhere for what we miss in our partner. In the rest of the article, we reveal what people contribute to a relationship, what is good and what is not. Our behavior and energy will reveal whether a relationship will succeed or not.

Energy for love from external sources

There is an expression in English that is often used in the business world. It's an expression "outsourcing" , which means taking or receiving from an outside source. When the company does not have a suitable employee for a certain job, it can hire external workers. These external resources are valuable. Although they are not in the company, they are there to help it grow and develop. If we look at the overall dynamics at the energy level, this means: the company lacks a certain type of energy, and if this energy is received from the outside, the company will get more energy for growth and development.

If we now translate this into partnership relations, the process is similar. A person who he no longer feels the right energy in his marriage, he starts longing for her and subconsciously starts looking for her elsewhere. We attract what we think into our lives, and so sooner or later this person may also encounter another person who can provide them with this vital energy, and this creates problems.

Photo: Scott Broome/Unsplash

What do you miss in marriage?

In a marriage where one of the partners stops trying, the other not only notices it, but also feels it strongly. A person can quickly become cold, feels aloof, begins to long for love, attention and vigilance. Such a relationship remains and does not develop. Some shared experiences naturally create a connection, but those small everyday things complement them. If we are unhappy or longing for something day after day, it will not end well. Communication is essential in marriage and it is necessary to solve things honestly and go step by step. Say what you lack and what you want.

Photo: Candice Picard/Unsplash

Are you maintaining a dead relationship?

Revitalizing ourselves and our relationship from "external sources" or other partners is increasingly common and common. This is used by both sexes, both men and women. When one (or both) partners meet someone else, but still remain in the existing partnership, they start to get new life energy, new impetus, have motivation and feel alive again. The partner can of course notice and feel this. Such people have everything in the relationship and on the other hand they have nothing. They have an extramarital partner who brings energy and a safe but dead relationship at home. Because they are too used to domesticity, stability and financial security, only a few decide to break up, especially if their jumping over the fence remains hidden.

If you have a feeling, yes stand still in a dead attitude, this is definitely a red alarm that should be turned off.

Photo: Yuris Alhumaydy / Unsplash

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