
.ORG: A great one-piece desktop organizer

.ORG is an exceptional innovation in the field of desk organization, as it creates perfect order on our work table with just one piece of laser-cut carbon steel.

Modern life moves extremely fast. We rush home from work and vice versa, and the vicious circle has neither end nor place. Let alone being able to put away all the post-it notes, markers, notes, business cards, paper clips and other trinkets that find their way to our desk. That it would be maintenance of order on our workbench simpler, was created .ORG, the indispensable desk organizer, consisting of a single piece of laser-cut carbon steel. A 0.8 millimeter thin and 100 x 200 centimeter piece of carbon steel can be folded in just five minutes and it is ready for a "chic" organization.

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