
Living in different locations - does where we live really affect our health?

The place we live in affects our health - different locations and their characteristics have different effects on us. Some are good, some are negative - but they all have an effect on us. That is why the choice of the location of the home or apartment is so important - not only for social life or economic status, but also for our health.

Have you ever wondered what affects ours? choice of home? If you have children, of course, probably the proximity of a kindergarten, the proximity or distance of our parents and in-laws, playgrounds and so on. If you're more of a sporty type, you're probably looking at a lot around here recreational areas and that your favorite fitness center is not exactly on the other side of Slovenia, but if you are of the more peaceful type and enjoy nature, you will look for the proximity of forests or meadows. Of course, all at a relative distance from your (and your partner's) job. Have you ever thought that the location of your home also affects your health?

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Francine Laden of Harvard compiled a list of the most common locations, where people live, and investigated their effects on our health. So let's see...

At a height

People who live at higher altitudes are, in principle, healthier – they have fewer cardiovascular diseases and are generally in better health. But that's not all - people who live in higher places are also slimmer - it has been proven that the average body weight decreases with altitude. So, the higher you live, the healthier and slimmer you are!

In the suburbs

Living in the suburbs has its pluses and minuses. The strong advantages that speak in favor of living in the suburbs are certainly the social cohesion of the residents and easier access to medical care.

The minus is the fact that most people from the suburbs drive to work in the capital, which often means that we get into the car in the morning and go to work, where we usually spend the whole day. Then drive home again. So there are not many opportunities to move around - people in the city can go to work, for example, by public transport, by bicycle or even on foot!

By the forest

Living next to the forest or in the forest definitely has a good effect on a person - reduces stress, offers plenty of opportunities for active leisure time and better air.

People who live near forests have lower blood pressure, stronger immune systems and better sleep.

Near the highway

Although living near the freeway definitely is convenient, unfortunately not the best for our health. Exhaust fumes and bad air are the main culprits. However, we should not ignore the constant noise, which also has a bad effect on us.

On the farm

Farm life is for us very healthy – it usually starts with better air (well, we're not talking about smells!) and, of course, physical activity. Life on a farm means that a lot of physical work has to be done - and what is better for our health than working in the fresh air?

The only downside of living on (larger) farms is the presence of pesticides and various chemicals. Of course, these have a negative effect on our health.

Life in the big city

Living in a big city has its positives and negatives - on the one hand, people in big cities tend to walk more than people from the suburbs, and in comparison live a more active life. On the other hand, people from big cities have more problems with nervously and various mental illnesses.

The location of the home can really affect our health, but at the end of the day, every home has its pluses and minuses - the only important thing is that we there we feel good.

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