
The overripe banana - a revolutionary drug that prevents the formation of cancer

In our intense pursuit of perfection, we often harm ourselves. The pursuit of perfectionism takes place not only in the field of human appearance, but also in everything else. If you were to compare the fruit and vegetable shelves today and fifty years ago, the difference would be obvious. Perfect colors and shapes, in short perfect form, but zero content. Did you know that a banana with black spots, i.e. slightly overripe and "ugly", secretes TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor), a substance that destroys tumor cells?

The EU has adopted countless strict rules about appearance, weight, size and other properties of various fruits and vegetables. Among them are bananas and theirs curvature. But this time we will not focus on regulations, but on hers freckles, the black, "disgusting" ones that most people avoid like the plague.

A banana in its "prime years", at the peak of its power and ideal for use.
Banana in its "prime years", at the peak of its power and ideal for use.

If you would like on your next purchase made a mature decision (the kind our great-grandmothers had 100 years ago), then opt for a slightly overripe banana, not the yellow, perfect-looking one. Today, when we get every fruit every season, we often doubt the fact that this fruit is ripened naturally. But doubts are a double-edged sword, especially if they are served to us. In the case of bananas, e.g. is ripening "outside" the tree, on the way, part of a natural process and not a thing forcing.

Green, I love you green. But even more spotted yellow.
Green, I love you green. But even more spotted yellow.

Bananas should not ripen in the canopy, as they would lose their taste and become floury. So if we want it to be some good bananas from this flour, then they must be plucked while still green, and ripening must be completed on the way to the shelves. But how make-up can transform a girl into a woman, trade trend glorifies immaculate yellow bananas. But beware. Bananas are like wine. The more ripe they are (to a healthy degree, of course, when they have not yet rotted), the healthier they are, they have found researchers from a university in Japan. But today she is exclusively in charge of treatment pharmaceutical industry, which is why headlines such as "Bananas destroy tumor cells" and "Banana keeps cancer away" are difficult to make headlines.

Looks aren't everything. Resist the temptation.
Looks aren't everything. Resist the temptation.

Yes, it is true that it is defended on every corner healthy lifestyle, but many do not know that bananas with a perfect appearance, i.e. without black spots, dots or spot on the shell, they do not bring as much benefit as they otherwise have in stock. Blackened bananas, in appearance and by the standards of the merchants, they are just that 8 times healthier from greens and have several times compared to other popular fruits (apples, grapes, pineapples, watermelons) more antioxidants (with more mature ones, the starch already turns into sugar, which is good for digestion, as it is more easily absorbed), which means that it is much more successful inhibit the formation of cancer cells.

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A black dot behind a banana is a good sign and not to be feared like the black dot from school days. "Unsmashed" yellow bananas are "thin" and far from carrying as much weight energy as it is in a more mature phase, because only then develop their full potential. Ultimately, they don't lift the mood as high as they could.

Banana ripening stages.
Banana ripening stages.

Of course, we are already before the conclusion about the positive effects on tumor cells knew they were healthy. Regulation of blood pressure, heart protection, help with anemia, stroke prevention and prevention of infections are just some of its medicinal effects. To these, assuming that we are eating slightly overripe, we can now safely add more inhibiting the growth of abnormal cells in the body (i.e. anti-cancer effect), as well as extra help for the cells to enrich and strengthen their own immunity and a greater effect in improving white blood cells.

Freckles are not a cosmetic defect. If they can be highly regarded in the world of fashion, why not bananas?
Freckles are not a cosmetic defect. If they can be highly regarded in the world of fashion, why not bananas?

PS they usually are bananas with "bruise" cheaper, as dealers want to get rid of them as soon as possible. Some medicines are therefore practically free. So, one banana a day keeps cancer away. Surely this would sound completely logical to our great-grandmothers.

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