For a strong woman, love is something sacred. When he loves, he loves fully, he knows no intermediate stage. Love is something really precious to her, something she can't give to everyone. She is dedicated and sticks to her principles. But sometimes he gets lost in love because he gives himself completely... to the point where he forgets himself and loses – himself.
Mardi Gras is a time of antics – a time when we hide behind masks and become whatever we want, at least for one night. Enter the dark underground of the Ljubljana Castle, without borders, without judgment and bad conscience the day after the party - and of course with top house music!
Have you ever had terrifying dreams, nightmares, woken up in the middle of the night because they were so vivid that you were completely terrified? Why do we have strange dreams? Probably, each of us has a story where strange, incomprehensible things happened in our dreams. If you're wondering why this is happening, there are a few explanations.
As part of its initiative for better well-being in the digital age, Google has developed a paper envelope in which you can hide your smartphone from you. This one helps you to step back a bit and rest from the increasingly ubiquitous digital world. With the Paper Envelope, you can turn your phone into a simpler device, because the envelope limits quite a number of functions that smartphones offer and steals our time.

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