Spray nail polish? It sounds pretty chaotic, and since we have enough trouble keeping a nice line even with a regular nail polish brush, what about reception? But worries are unnecessary! At Nails inc, they promise that a manicure with spray nail polish will be perfect.
The charm of visiting a restaurant is not only in good food, but in a special experience. Some restaurants offer great food, a great view and a special atmosphere. All of this applies to the following 10 restaurants that you simply must visit!
The technological giant Google is penetrating every pore of computing and their latest "victim" is wireless routers. Recently, Google (or is it now Alphabet?) introduced an advanced wireless router for idiots, OnHub, equipped with 13 antennas of 2.4 GHz frequency (12 of which transmit the signal and one receives) and a data transfer speed of up to 1900 MB per second. Aesthetically perfect, it is intended for more demanding environments.
That dogs are man's best friend is news as old as the Earth. But did you know that guys are three times more likely to get a girl's phone number if they have a dog with them? Have you ever gotten the feeling that your dog just understands you? Something that cannot be said for many people around you. Did you know that when a dog hears a cry or a laugh, his brain's reaction is similar to yours? Did you know that they curl up in a ball while they sleep to maintain their body temperature and protect the most vulnerable parts of their body from predators? You can find out everything else you need to know about the dog in the article.
Boulevard is the last film of the late Robin Williams, whose fate has been hanging in the air for a long time, although it received a warm reception at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York. In his latest role, Williams plays Nolan Mack, a middle-aged bank clerk and lonely man who lives a monotonous life, but it turns upside down when he stops a young prostitute Leo (Roberto Aguire) and begins to learn who he really is.
Children in America spend more than 24 hours a week in front of television screens. Donna Stevens' photographic series, Idiot Box, seeks to draw attention to the constant presence of technology and its effects on the most receptive audience, our children. Their portraits with absent looks and inexpressive facial gestures make us question what technology is actually doing to their young minds.
Do you also believe that your taste in movies is varied and sharp? If we don't know yet, or if we just want to confirm it, we can now calculate how much snobbery the selected film has on the Pretentious-O-Meter website. By calculating the difference between public opinions and critics' opinions for movies on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb, we can see how "challenging" a movie we have chosen.
Six weeks were enough for the best Slovenian skier of all time, Tina Maze, to make a decision long awaited by the Slovenian and foreign public. Will she continue her career or not? Fortunately, she did not announce what we all feared out loud, as she has not yet drawn the line under her career, but she has decided to take a one-year break, which will also give an answer about (not) continuing or possibly unfreezing her career. She will use the time in between to regenerate, physically and mentally, to complete her studies, and she will allocate some of it to marketing and sponsors.

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