Navy stripes are back in style this spring. Although we've never really forgotten them, nautical inspiration is present more than ever this season. The striped shirt is considered a classic piece of clothing and dates back as far as 1858, when the French Navy wore the striped uniform primarily for practicality. Narrow or wide, vertical or horizontal stripes are in trend today, which are a favorite pattern of all generations. The striped shirt also left its mark in high fashion and allowed itself to be seduced by the biggest fashion designers.
After Steven Izen's grandfather was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, he was overcome with mixed emotions. At first a painful sadness, then a grateful realization that he could have been a part of his life. It was then that he decided to create a piece that would illustrate his feelings at the time. Countless research and three years later, the Lokai bracelet was born.
Some companies spend millions of euros to convince consumers that they are the right choice. In doing so, they use expensive advertising formats, famous personalities, special effects, .... There is also another side of advertising, the one conditioned by gray creative cells. Different ads are created in this way. Those simply genius, subtle...
Things with cute shapes usually bring actual cuteness - a sugariness that is relevant only and only on Valentine's Day, but then it wanders forgotten somewhere deep at the bottom of the drawers. But the heart-shaped jugs, designed by Christian Vivanco, are different. Namely, they bring a version that is anatomically closer in shape to the actual human heart, giving a whole new meaning to cute.
While some recharge their batteries by lying on the hot sand and refreshing themselves in the May Day splash, others explore the unlimited dimensions of adrenaline. During the May Day holidays, we can consume it in ways that we could not even imagine.
If a few years ago it seemed that organically produced food was a fad of a spoiled, everything good and pleasing to the eye overfed consumer, today this is no longer the case. Bio and eco are becoming the most frequently used words of today, and the demand for everything that bears the bio label, the offer as well as the awareness of the advantages of eco products, is increasing every day.
The environment in Kvarner is medicine for the body. The dramatist Euripides said that "the sea wipes away all evil from man", and Greek and Roman doctors already discussed the healing effects of sea baths and the influence of sea air and sun on health.
Wall & Deco wallpapers are synonymous with extraordinary patterns drawn on walls or facades. With their mischievous, playful effect, they are suitable for apartments, business premises or bars, where in the company of chairs, tables and other furniture we create an exceptional interior.
To eat is to live, to taste is to develop. So you could sort of translate the basic philosophy of Ayako Suwa's creation. Although she cooks extremely well, she is not a cook. Although she creates art with food, she is not a food stylist. He says that he shapes emotions and passions. We like to understand emotions by singing them. She creates spontaneous, even erotic relationships with those who taste her works of art. He says they have the most developed sense of food as art in France and Japan.

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