At the end of January, the first online episode of the "untouched" skiing and snowboarding of the Untouched team is coming. With an attractive video, he announces a new film project, which will be released this fall.
If instant food is cooked in a hurry elsewhere, the Portuguese "quick meal" consists of tinned tuna or sardines, a boiled egg and boiled potatoes or black beans, what must it smell like in more time-consuming dishes such as cod in a thousand ways or one of traditional desserts.
If we mix Chinese, Italian, West African and Japanese cuisine, then we get Peruvian. Well, it's not quite that simple, but the cuisine of Peru really reflects all the mentioned world cuisines, but they have been adapted and made unique by using local ingredients. Three ...
Bananas are one of the most grateful and useful fruits. If you are tired of fresh ones, or if you don't manage to eat them in time, we suggest that you always keep them frozen in the refrigerator. In this way, you will always have a healthy ingredient in stock, which you can almost magically and simply turn into an extremely healthy dessert with a great taste.
Everything that the Middle East has to offer in terms of cuisine is covered in Lebanese cuisine. This does not mean that we should neglect the cuisine of nearby countries, but Lebanese cuisine is definitely in the first place among them. They say that the vibrant colors of Lebanese cuisine are a reflection of the thousands of colors of the local landscape.
A month of various vices is behind us. Work parties, meetings with friends, visits to relatives and the celebration of Christmas and New Year are definitely to blame for the fact that in December we indulged in a little more, a little more sweet and fatty.

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