You have already done many projects: an ecological exhibition, collaboration on the Lévi Strauss commemorative billboard, book illustration, design of several typefaces, wallpapers, t-shirts... How would you present your work to readers? Luka: We are working on several visions
What should the modern James Bond be like as a symbol of the modern man? Tough question. He is supposed to be like modern androgynous Keanu Reeves, who saves the world in The Matrix, or "retro" Josip Broz - Tito, whose women ate zr
How and when did you come into contact with restaurant restoration and furnishing? I made my first bar at the age of 19, with very little resources. But who would give a mule anything more at this age? I gave the place the name Hawaii Club and the thing came to life and took off
There are relatively few lamp designers in Slovenia. When were you first tempted to design lights; the opportunity presented itself, or has it been possible for you to do this all along - let's present a challenge? Eight years ago, the opportunity presented itself

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