Director Peter Berg introduced himself to a wider audience with two excellent films (The Kingdom and Hancock), which received many praises. Now he's back on the big screen with a true story based on the book by Marcus Luttrell and Patrick Robinson. It is about the action blockbuster Lone Survivor, which has earned more than 120 million dollars in American cinemas to date and was nominated for two Oscars.
December is the time when it smells of holiday cookies, when cities sparkle in the light of lights and when a special spirit of joy pervades the soul. Regardless of whether you will treat yourself to a trip to one of the European capitals in December - you can go for a wander today.
The Heroic Africa exhibition brings together three photographic projects by Philippe Bordas, the central theme of which are the specific social groups of three African countries. It includes Malian fighters, Kenyan boxers and Senegalese wrestlers. ...
The charity evening was named after our most famous boxer and a very famous drama character. We will see quite a few famous faces on stage, seven well-known people from Ptuj, including Dejan Zavec, will recite excerpts from the English playwright William Shakespeare. An interesting boxing match will follow between the director...
Hugh Jackman stars as Charlie, an ex-professional boxer who finds himself in a near-future world where steel warrior boxing is the biggest sport. When he can't afford a new dueling robot due to debt, he dedicates himself to the discarded robot at the urging of his estranged son Max. ...
Vrnite se v zlata leta s kraljema najbolj udarne dance zasedbe vseh časov. Prihaja sloviti italijanski trojec, Prezioso ft. Marvin, ki je zaslovel po največjih glasbenih uspešnicah, kot so Tell me why, Let me stay, Rock the discotek, Bonjour, Emargency 911, We rule the danza, Voices, Let' s talk about a man, Voglio ...
Najbolj simpatični boksar, Dejan Zavec oziroma »Mr. Simpatikus«, bo že tretjič branil šampionski pas svetovnega boksarskega prvaka. Letos mu bo nasproti stal Američan Paul »The Thrue« Delgado. Pred vrhunskim spektaklom, ko bosta v ring stopila daleč najboljša, si bomo lahko ogledali tudi ...
Režija: Claire Denis. Igrajo: Isabelle Huppert, Isaach De Bankolé, Christophe Lambert, Nicolas Duvauchelle, William Nadylam, David Gozlan.Nekje v Afriki. Redna vojska se pripravlja na obračun z uporniki in ponovno uveljavitev reda v državi: izločiti uporniškega častnika, ki mu ...
Dejan Zavec will defend the title of world champion on September 4 in the new hall in Ljubljana's Stožice. Zavac's opponent is the first challenger Rafal Jackiewicz, the only boxer who is Mr. Simpatikus was hurt by the defeat. Tickets for attractive...

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