Kodak introduced its second smartphone, Kodak Ektra, which was inspired by their camera of the same name from 1941. It will be manufactured by the British company Bullitt, and its trump cards will be primarily ease of use and a high-quality camera. The competition is fierce, as Samsung, Apple and now Google have also introduced phones that have exceptional photography capabilities. Will the 'photocentric' Kodak Ektra be able to compete with them? Let's check.
Gone are the days when we took photos with a Polaroid, a camera that instantly printed our photo. Although its days seem to have passed, Polaroid is making a comeback. At the consumer electronics and household appliances fair IFA in Berlin, it was recently presented as a digital camera with a built-in photo printer that prints a photo instantly, but does not use ink! It sounds like the name Polaroid Snap.
Despite all the technology, lenses currently have no serious rival in photography. Single-lens reflex cameras, those robust ones, which are precisely because of them, are far from being able to be put in a pocket, are considered the concept of excellent photography, looking down on the quality of smartphone photos. This level was only a pious wish for them, but with the Relonch Camera case, iPhone owners are offered exactly this - the luxury of the DSLR world.
Leica cameras can act like a time machine on us. Just looking at them takes us back half a century into the past. Half a century ago, among other things, the Woodstock music festival, the Flower Children's Festival took place, where Jim Marshall skilfully caught the performers in the photographic lens. His signature can be found on many photographs of rock stars of the time, from the Beatles and Led Zeppelin to Miles Davis. As a tribute to him, Leica decided to produce a Jim Marshall version of the M246 camera.
With the Lenovo Vibe Shot smartphone, we witnessed a small step for the manufacturer, but a big one for the user, because the time came when the line between smartphone and digital camera was finally blurred. Now you get the best of both worlds, a camera with professional functions and an extremely powerful mobile phone that is only 7.6 millimeters thick. Nevertheless, it has a battery with a capacity of 3000 mAh, which guarantees up to 30 hours of talk time.
Leica was, is and probably will remain the holy grail for photographers. Ever since 1925 with the Leica I prototypes, in the 1950s with the introduction of the legendary Leica M series cameras and today with the S, T, X and Compact Series cameras of incredible quality and versatility, Leica remains the queen. The latest Leica M Monochrom Typ 246 is also ready to share the company, which this time will serve only black and white photos.

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