Although a response time of 5ms is a rather modest technical feature for today's time, LG's LCD monitor, which has the complicated name of M237WD-PZ, is nevertheless a choice worthy of our attention. The Full HD monitor, which can also serve as a TV, provides us with a good 22 inches of enough transparent surface...
Apple is probably the only brand in the world of consumer electronics that manages to attract an infinite amount of attention with almost every product. This time it was (was) the iPad's turn. The long-awaited rumor became "meat" and instantly split public opinion in half like Krpan Brdavsu...well, we know. The first half praises…
  Mac owners have sweet worries, at least when it comes to backups, and Time Machine deserves kudos for that. Classic "PC-riders" can also worry about sweetness now, because with Seagat's Replica we got a more than adequate equivalent of Apple's "time machine". Unlike the vast majority of…

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