Movie Caffe is that social corner in the lower part of the Ljubljana Coliseum, where the actors gather after the premieres and where it is the most lively before and after the film screenings. Why not, because the ambiance with a movie theme is created for a movie atmosphere. Scenes from the most cult movies follow each other on the walls and...
There is not a person from Kamnica who does not know the man who saved the Kamnica coffee industry. Florjan Mlakar, a well-known Kamnik café owner with gallant manners, invited his guests to the famous Kamnik Veronika for twenty years, until last year. Last year, however, due to a chain of events, he was left without his beloved central cafe, but he quickly started...
"Domžale's cakes have always been famous, but there was none better than Lenčkova's." The paraphrase of Prešeren's poem beautifully describes the Domžale confectionery tradition, which dates back to November 29, 1938, when Janez Lenček opened the first confectionery in Domžale. At that time still in the house...
City magazine has its own organized distribution network of over 435 stands throughout Slovenia. Distribution takes place on two levels: through large volume racks (Mercator, Petrol, Slovenske železnice, BTC, Emporium, Nama, Big Bang, Klinični center, Koloseji...) and through smaller racks found in...
Let's get up with the roosters this time! Let our motivation be the varied trip that awaits us. Let's refresh our face with cold water, bravely take a cold shower, put our things in our backpack, don't forget a delicious snack, and head out into the fresh morning.
A suitable starting point is historic Buda with exceptional vantage points at Castle (Várhegy) and Gerhard's Hill (Gellérthegy). The latter rises between the Elizabeth Bridge (Erzsébet híd) and the Freedom Bridge (Szabadság híd), and on top of it is the Citadel, a century and a half old stone fortress.

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