Rakov Škocjan is a picturesque karst valley through which the river Rak flows. It lies between Cerkniški and Planinski polje. It has been protected as a landscape park since 1949, and a natural science trail leads through it, very nicely marked with educational boards.
The Crimean peninsula is a fabulously beautiful landscape between Europe and Asia with an unusual mix of peoples and cultures. Markov's words perfectly describe the entire area of one of the most attractive parts of Ukraine for tourism.
The heart of Mostar is the famous stone fortress built in the 16th century by Sultan Sulejman the Magnificent. Legend has it that its designer, Mimar Hajrudin, a student of Sinan, a famous architect of the Ottoman era, fled the city the day before it was finished, fearing that the bridge would collapse.
Let's start in reverse order. First, for breakfast, we treat ourselves to homemade marmalade on fresh crusty bread and for a moment catch the bliss of the sinful flavors that mix in our mouths. Then just on the way, along the Styrian highway, straight to Maribor, where many surprises await us.
Let's drive along the coastal highway to the Karst. From the highway, we drive towards Sežana, through Vipava, where we can see the Zemono manor from afar on a vine-covered hill. The mansion was built in the Renaissance style of Venetian villas in 1683 and is surrounded by a typical arcade corridor from the outside, while its interior is decorated with luxurious frescoes.
The famous Gardaland is far from being the only amusement park worth visiting in our neighbor Italy. Recently, parks have also experienced a great boom in Italy, so that the region of Emilia Romana alone has more than 25 amusement parks with very different contents.
From early spring to late autumn, we are everywhere accompanied by the intoxicating smell of maquis, a typical Corsican undergrowth consisting of many Mediterranean herbs. In the language, culture, dishes, French and Italian inspiration flow, and yet, throughout the island's varied and rich history, the people have preserved their unique and special nature.
The central square of Buenos Aires is the Plaza de Mayo, where protesters and mothers of those who disappeared during the period of the military dictatorship gather. Porteños, residents of the Argentine capital, proudly explain that the main avenue, Avenida 9 de Julio, is the widest street in the world.
The capital of Georgia, with a population of 1.3 million, is one of the oldest cities in Transcaucasia. The old part of the city, called Kala, developed under the fortress and extended to the Mktvari River. It is best to start exploring the old part of the city at the Metekhi church, where the history of the city also began.
Although the Middle East is considered the cradle of human civilization, Dubai doesn't offer much of the old. In the old Al Fahidi fortress and the former house of Sheikh Saed al Maktoum, photographs, maps and the past are exhibited, when the few inhabitants were engaged in building boats and searching for pearls.

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