
Paloma Green: completely organic and innovative toilet paper

With love for the environment... and you

Photo: Andrew Neel / Pexels

In Paloma, they accepted the challenge and produced completely organic toilet paper, which is also innovative.

We believe that you do not pay too much attention to the choice of toilet paper, but research clearly shows that you do sustainable functioning of individuals also reflects in this area. If practically everyone agrees on the standard criteria that are important to buyers - i.e. the number of layers, softness and durability of the paper (read: that it tears (too quickly)), in recent years it has also ecological aspect criterion. For toilet paper buyers, this is even more important than the brand, smell, color, possible painting or pattern, innovation... The ecological aspect was rated as (very) important in the research conducted by Mediana on the Slovenian market 49% respondents. In short, concern for the environment is also evident in this type of use of cellulose. Which is good news for forests.

Why are we even writing about toilet paper?

Because we want to present you with an innovation that will significantly change his perception. And it's from home logs!
Paloma, the brand that almost every Slovenian mentions first when the word applies to toilet paper, accepted the challenge and produced completely organic toilet paper. Which is also innovative on top of that. Paloma GREEN it is 100 % recycled toilet paper, which has a larger winding in order to reduce the impact of waste packaging on the environment. Not only is this 3-ply toilet paper made from 100 % recycled paper without any additives, each roll contains 180 sheets or, to put it another way, what 21.6 meters of paper, and is the longest roll on the market among competing brands.

To top it all off, the Paloma GREEN toilet paper v natural brown color and packed in a 30% recycled bag with the function of re-use as a waste bag. This means that it can be packed after emptying use as a garbage bag.

We know, you already have the first question. Is the paper soft? Yes, your comfort in the toilet will not suffer at all because of this. Also, the environment will not suffer at the expense of its use. And you will be able to pat yourself on the back at every opportunity, even in the store, at the expense of a conscious and sustainable decision.
Ecological toilet paper is another way in which an individual can take a step in the right direction and have a positive impact on preservation of forests and the environment.

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