
Panasonic Lumix GF8: the camera for selfie lovers

Panasonic will soon send the Lumix GF8 camera to the market with a focus on and improvements to the functions for recording self-portraits or of selfies. The dust has not yet settled on the popularity of selfies, regardless of whether you yourself love taking them or hate them. In any case, the Panasonic Lumix GF8 is designed to make this process easier for you. But maybe you still love selfies.

You wonder why it is Panasonic Lumix GF8 the perfect selfie camera? Rotating touch screen, which you rotate so that you can see yourself in it, helps you frame the photo nicely, and then there are also image retouching functions. These are often available on smartphones, but this time the Lumix GF8 digital camera also allows you to correct images: you can eliminate irregularities such as wrinkles and blackheads on the face, whiten teeth and even narrow facial features. You can further transform your face by choosing the color of your foundation, lips, cheeks and even eyeshadow.

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LUMIX GF8 camera features help you take even more beautiful selfies.
LUMIX GF8 camera features help you take even more beautiful selfies.

Micro sensor with 16 megapixels, quick responsive AF screen and the sensitivity of the light sensor s 25,600 ISO they enable quick detection of the face and eyes, and the camera also responds well to recording and photographing other elements, not just selfies. Built-in Wi-Fi to download files and 100 GB of Google Drive storage space and they are additional pluses for fans of the latter.

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