
Paris is getting a human-powered panoramic fitness vessel

Fitness vessel

A human-powered fitness vessel is coming to Paris. Such is the idea of the renowned design company Carlo Ratti Associati, which presented a study of an unusual watercraft powered by the energy generated by fitness devices.

Paris she hopes to miscarry a human-powered fitness craft. If the initiative of the company Carlo Ratti Associati, which was created in cooperation with the company Techogym, a non-profit organization Terreform ONE and institutes URBEM, encounters fertile ground, the watercraft will sail along the Seni River, which winds through the French capital. It will contain exercise bikes, data on generated energy, distance, speed, calories burned, etc. and will be projected to users on the screen for augmented reality.

READ MORE: The bus as a fitness studio with hours of spinning

You may soon be able to ride a bike on the Seine.
You may soon be able to ride a bike on the Seine.

The partners want to demonstrate with the panoramic vessel utility and potential of human energy. Exercising on the devices makes it possible to propel the vessel (it converts the collected energy into electrical energy, which drives it electric motor). It's easy in the evening party platform. The vessel measures 20 meters in length, holds up to 45 people and at the same time transports a bunch of fitness equipment.

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