
Take the survey: What are your digital habits?

Photo: Huawei

Smart devices have become so powerful in recent years that they have become our central tool for work, study and entertainment. We use them to take photos, edit videos and pictures, write texts, manage finances, help each other with navigation, play games, shop, chat with loved ones, connect with like-minded people, watch movies, listen to music, train and many other things. A lot of credit for this goes to the various applications and their developers who make these various functions and services possible.

They are certainly the most advanced in this field smartphones, which are already an extension of our hand. We rely on them every step of the way, so we expect from them reliability, performance that keeps up with our pace and practicality that makes our everyday life easier. Both phones can boast of all of the above Huawei P50 Pro and P50 Pocket, which are uncompromising in every way and designed to serve the user in every task.

Photo: Huawei

In light of the versatile usability of smartphones and other devices, Huawei decided to do this a survey on the digital habits of users. What are we doing with smart devices? How many hours a day do we use them? What are our favorite services and apps?

We invite you to participate and fill in the questions below:

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