
Patience: a timelapse recording of Europe that will completely enchant you

Patience - timelapse of Europe

Patience is an extraordinary timelapse of Europe by photographer Paul Richardson, consisting of 300 thousand photos! According to its author, recording timelapse footage requires a lot of patience and planning. He put as much as 1000 hours of work into the editing alone – the compilation consists of footage from all over Europe – which means that he spent a whopping seven hours for just one second!

That Europe beautiful, needless to say. And although we have been able to see its beauty countless times, through it timelapse video Patience we get to know in a new light. Under the collage he put together from around 300 thousand photos, taken in Europe and elsewhere in the world, the photographer signed Paul Richardson.

READ MORE: 9,000,000 words - the only time-lapse video worth watching

The shot that took Paul Richardson the most time.
The shot that took Paul Richardson the most time.

For some photos, he had to return to the scene of the crime several times, while for others he spent a whole day for just a few seconds timelapse recording. For example, shot of the Milky Way (1:23) he took everything from him four days, and during this time he managed to take only 50 usable photos!

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